Maastikuökoloogia ja ökotehnoloogia teadusrühm

Ülo Mander          CV     Publikatsioonid

Teadusrühma juht, professor, geograafia oskonna juhataja, Ökoloogia ja maateaduste instiuut,  Tartu Ülikool

Tel: + +372 7375 819/ +372 5087373  Postiaadress: Vanemuise 46, 51014 Tartu

Fotod. Kasejuurte kasvu jälgimine fotografeerides maa-all minirhisotronide meetodil (foto paremal - Heljä-Sisko Helmisaari). Vasakul - pildistamisseadeldis maa-aluseks pildistamiseks.

Ivika Ostonen- Märtin vanemteadur, PhD (Tartu Ülikool)
Jaak Truu professor,  PhD (Tartu Ülikool)
Jane Frey vanemteadur,  PhD (Tartu Ülikool)
Arno Kanal dotsent, PhD (Eesti Maaülikool)
Marika Truu teadur, PhD (Tartu Ülikool)
Christina Vohla teadur, PhD (Tartu Ülikool)
Mait Sepp teadur, PhD (Tartu Ülikool)
Martin Maddison teadur, PhD (Tartu Ülikool)
Kaido Soosaar teadur, PhD (Tartu Ülikool)
Jüri Roosaare dotsent. PhD (Tartu Ülikool)
Mae Uri spetsialist











Doktorandid ja nende uurimisteemad

Jens-Konrad Preem            Microbial community, phylogenetic and functional diversity in natural and constructed wetlands
 Raili Hansen Greenhouse gas fluxes in experimental forest station of air humidity manipulation (FAHM)
Naima Kabral Heavy metal deposition and accumulation in different parts of coniferous stands
Janika Laht Lifecycle analysis of ecotechnological measures to control nutrient fluxes in catchments
Järvi Järveoja Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from abandoned peat extraction areas growing bioenergy crops
Teele Ligi Impact of environmental parameters on denitrifying microbial community in constructed wetlands
Kristjan Oopkaup Relationships between constructed wetland purification efficiency and microbial community functional structure
Sergey Egorov Metagenomics of wetland soils
Ülle Napa Ecosystem recovery from air pollution effects - based on Estonian forest monitoring data
Kaie Kriiska Carbon store and turnover in Estonian forest soils
Kuno Kasak Alternative filter materials in hybrid suburface flow constructed wetlands: Water purification efficiency and impact on greenhouse gas emissions
Kertu Tiirik Impact of pharmaceutial residues and engineered nanoparticles on the microbial community structure in wastewater treatment system and antibiotic resistance gene transfer into the environment
Mikk Espenberg Impact of different technological applications in peatland restoration on the structure and diversity of archeal community and its methanogenic potential
Gert Veber Spatio-temporal variability of greenhouse gas emissions in peatlands; implications for determining peatland buffer zones
Kalev Repp Modelling gaseous nitrogen and carbon fluxes in wetlands and forest ecosystems



Keskkonnamuutustele kohanemise tippkeskus, Eesti Maaülikool, Fr. R. Kreutzwaldi 1, 51014, Tartu


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